To keep stocks of LeafMould high we have to be collecting all year round. There is no rest period and we have to be ingenious to keep finding the right leaves which are not on Woodland or Forest floor.That is a definite "no no"!. We do not use worms to speed up the process as the end product is not what you Gardeners need. Genuine potting quality product takes a full 2 years to produce. We then supply our clients with product taken from the bottom of the pile. This is by far the richest LeafMould which has been in contact with the ground and goodness drains down through the pile. The client always gets this full rich product. We never dry it out so it is alive with all the beneficial micro-organisms and bacteria, these are what grow superb plant roots.All plants benefit and some are only happy when they have leafy soil. As you might guess. All Woodland plants! Always mix it with composted bark or topsoil, garden centre compost or your own garden compost.Or very well rotted manure. This makes your LeafMould go so much further!

Rosa "Dublin Bay" One of the Very best Climbing Roses for any garden. As you can see very disease resistant and most years a prolific flowering plant. Feed it well Our LeafMould fertiliser is brilliant for hungry roses and all other plants for that matter.