This is the time of year Nature feeds itself and protects its roots to retain moisture.Leaves drop and LeafMould will be created on the floor.This is the best fertiliser and plant protection a plant can have. Of course keen gardeners quite naturally want to clear these up
If you do this you need to replace it in the Spring with your own Mulch which should be the above plus rotted manure, sorry well rotted manure! Also garden compost, commercial compost, composted or chipped bark and topsoil. This will keep the tree unstressed through harsh and hot weather, keeping it well fed and moist at the roots. Happy unstressed plants perform so much better. Grow faster, flower better, give better Autumn colours and hold onto those colours longer. A little care will provide so much pleasure and you will be more connected to your plants and notice them more. They in turn will reward you! Remember LeafMould and Mulch is natures Manna from Heaven