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Dewy Purple Foxglove
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Autumn the Magical Time in Your Garden

With Autumn arriving it should be a busy time in your garden.Potting up for Autumn Winter colour, putting new plants into borders, preparing beds for next spring, feed plants through autumn to build them up for a great start in Spring etc.It is a time of  Fruits and berries a time to reflect and plan.
What worked and what did not this summer.Potting up Spring flowering bulbs and plants gives you hope beyond the coming winter.
Autumn is the time to introduce Leafmould and  feed plants and get them ready for their first flush in Spring (stop feeding before the first frosts). Mulching borders and plants in pots is so important. With plants in pots remove  weeds and scrape some soil of the top, then add a layer of Leafmould to introduce new organic life into the soil in your pots.Do this in Autumn and you will reap the benefits for your potted plants next spring. Give them a feed of Leafmould Organic fertiliser at the same time to encourage even more life. Live,Fresh,Leafmould is the only product which actually works because it has organic life just as nature intended. You can only get it from us because it is so difficult to produce and bring to market.Lots of dedication and year round work is needed.

Post: Welcome

February Chills.To The Bone!

I have been collecting leaves since the New Year. The collecting has to go on no matter what the weather. Good job I worked outside all my life as a Scaffolder.Not much is worse than those winter icy metal tubes.When it is frosty they stick to your hands. SoWinter leaf collecting is fairly tame in comparison. LeafMould will not make itself so we have to press on. To get the leaves breaking down quicker we have to chop them up.Leaf vacuums with shredders are ok but so slow.So dreary sucking up leaves and a dead loss if they are wet and when are they anything but wet. Especially this cold rainy winter!So grass shears tend to be the chosen tool. Hard work but much faster.Empty the leaves into large trugs and chop away. It is very boring mind!The results keep one going though.Anybody who uses LeafMould will tell you it is marvellous stuff when well produced, smells fabulous! Of course there are other winter tasks to do in February. We have many Roses and they all need pruning about now. Another cold unforgiving job but must be done if good blooms are to be had. Other things to keep on top of are the composted bark and well rotted manure piles. The garden compost bins are full and will get spread on the gardens soon.

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